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Natural Treatments

Know your place

I step out, dodge rain showers, and am struck by the high river level. It’s so high that the area where I usually sit, elevated from the river, is submerged. This observation leads me to reflect on

How to identify beech

Today, I’m excited to share with you an informative guide on how to identify the Common Beech. It’s known as Fagus sylvatica. This magnificent tree is found throughout Southern and Central England.


Each week you’ll receive wild food recipes, plant profiles and foraging tips directly in your inbox. Trusted by over 25,000 foragers, herbalists and plant lovers. In the Eatweeds Newsletter, I share


Each week you’ll receive wild food recipes, plant profiles and foraging tips directly in your inbox. Trusted by over 25,000 foragers, herbalists and plant lovers. In the Eatweeds Newsletter, I share