[eatweeds] talking plants

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Happy friday,

I’ve been in creative overdrive this week. Sometimes the muse just grabs you by the throat.

Most of my week has been spent outside making field recordings and filming plants. Basically grubbing around in the dirt.

If you haven’t been following my creative journey on social media (ig, fb and tt), here’s what i have been up to.

In the comments section at the bottom of each page i link to, please let me know what you think. Positive or negative. I’m all ears.

?Talking dandelion (link)
This is a mixture of an audio essay with video footage included. I wrote this essay on dandelion as metaphor of resilience and defiance and perseverance in the face of obstacles.

?Eyebright haiku-like poem (link)?
I wrote this format because i want to see if they might be a useful way to help you remember plant details.

?A reading (link)?
I made another short video of me reading an essay i wrote. Creating it felt like i was doing a book reading.

Some folks commented that it was the first time they had seen me in a video or heard my voice. Let me know your thoughts?

?A quiet book (link)?
I also reworked a short video on alexanders. I call this kind of video a quiet book and you’ll understand more by watching the video.

?Weeping willow music (link)?
I’ve been attaching electrodes to plants and turning the electrical signals into music. This is called biodata sonification.

Essentially, it’s about translating non-auditory information sourced from living organisms into auditory form.

The result is like having a soundbath or listening to some relaxation music.

Okay that about wraps it up for this week. May you have a happy and peaceful weekend.

Talk soon,

P.S. I invest countless hours and hundreds of pounds into Eatweeds each month, a passion project started in 2008.

With no ads or outside help, this solo enterprise supports my livelihood and life work.

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The post [eatweeds] talking plants appeared first on EATWEEDS.

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