I Care Classic Tour

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Yesterday the Almaden Super Lions Club from South San Jose put on the 30th edition of their I Care Classic Ride, which starts and finishes in Morgan Hill just under 2 miles from my home. The local medical device company Paramit Corporation graciously hosted us. I had originally signed up for the Century route but decided their longer rides had too much climbing for my recumbent, so I switched to the 50K route. Counting the ride to and from the start this ended up being about a 36-mile ride, taking me three hours and 15 minutes of riding time. This was a very pleasant ride on a nice late spring day. The volunteers from the club and some local Boy Scouts were great at the start (where there were bagels and other breakfast treats), at rest stops along the way, and at the finish, where they served a nice lunch. I rode it alone but had a good time chatting with the volunteers and other riders.

Volunteers grilling our lunch at the finish.

The 50K route toured the East and West Foothills of the Southern Santa Clara Valley

Rest Stop on Bannister Ave in Foothills East of Gilroy. My recumbent is leaning on the fence

On Oak Glen Ave on the West Side

Heading Down Edmundson Ave Back to Morgan Hill

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